Resources, Whitepapers

Innovation and convergence in mining communications

Much like the strata of rock visible in a mine, modern mining communications rest on layers of communications technologies, introduced over time to improve the safety, efficiency and productivity of mining operations.

It is tempting to believe that, like consumer technologies (TVs, smart phones, recording devices), each existing technology is inevitably replaced by a single nth-generation technology that builds on the past and captures future communications requirements.

But the reality in this industry is very different. Mining requirements continually evolve so it can never be possible to capture all the industry’s communication needs. (Consider the potential demands of deep-sea mining, for example.)

Ground-breaking new technologies may emerge, but earlier technologies continue to perform the function they were intended for, and do not necessarily become obsolete; indeed most remain relevant and are maintained, advanced and upgraded by manufacturers.

So rather than the development of a single, ideal technology, the future of mining communications may lie in the smart integration of multiple new and existing tools and techniques.

In this whitepaper, find out about:

  • The layers of mining communications
  • The historical mix
  • Wired systems
  • Wired monitoring and control
  • Wireless technologies
  • Tying it all together with Unified Critical Communications
  • Choosing communications partnerships
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