Resources, Whitepapers

RoadBond: Dust suppression for unsealed road surfaces

Organisations are responsible for maintaining worksite safety by controlling the impact of loose dust particles on the health of workers and nearby communities and the surrounding environment.

Developed for trafficked areas, particularly haul roads and unsealed roads, Roadbond penetrates into loose substrate and soil particles to form a coat that results in a dust-free layer.

Scientifically formulated for trafficked unsealed road surfaces, RoadBond is a non-corrosive, environmentally friendly solution that instantly reduces dust lift-off, enhances road stability, reduces tyre wear, and cuts down site maintenance costs.

The superabsorbent polymers in RoadBond draw moisture from the air and provide up to 80 per cent water savings. Post-application, a durable layer is formed over the substrate, making the surface immediately trafficable and resistant to water and wind erosion.

Although unsealed roads are prone to generating dust and wind erosion, the innovation behind this dust suppressant makes it a safe and cost-effective solution that can last for up to 6 months. Whether operating in the mining, civil and infrastructure, resources, energy, or defence industry, RoadBond can withstand harsh site conditions.

To learn more, download the whitepaper below.

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